Sunday 21 September 2014

October New Coach Training

I live in a small town of 2,025 (or so Wikipedia tells me). I started out as Beachbody coach here almost 2 years ago and did most of my leg work here. I moved away for 1 year, but now I am back and will continue to grow, expand and thrive in my business. In. A. Small. Town. To add fuel to my fire, my top coach lives in this same small town. Whoa, what? 2 success stories from the same small town MUST be unheard of! Just wait. We have more Rock Stars up & coming here. Bow Island is rocking the Beachbody ship.

I am now among the list of Canada's top coaches and yes that came with a price. That price for me was choosing temporarily, to sweat, work insane hours, work 2 jobs, sacrifice things, do the thing that not everyone thought was the norm, dream crazy dreams and help to inspire others. Guess what? It is working.

I now am a full time Beachbody Coach, I work for myself and I am Queen Bee & #girlboss of my own company. My world has changed. I wanted a better life for my family, I wanted to help others see they are never alone in their journey to health & fitness. I also now have the opportunity to lead and teach others & pay it forward. I am working my way to financial freedom and bringing others with me.

This is SO crazy to call this my life, and I feel like someone should pinch me every day my eyes open.

Does this sound just crazy enough to make you want to change your world? I can teach you all I know. ONE ON ONE. I will not profess to know everything because to be honest there are a whole lot of things I am still learning which excites the heck out of me.

I have goals. I have plans. They are coming true, inch by inch, row by row. (Who sings that song, anyway?)

Are you coming with me? Message, email, or shout out to me here in comments.  We can do this!

Be a Beachbody coach.

**Start date of Oct. 6th**

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